Recommended Writing Apps for Authors

"Products to make you more productive and successful!"

Over the years, we have honed our writing workflows, and used some critical writing applications to become successful. These apps have stood, and continue to pass, the test of time. They have made us, and can make you, write and manage your writing business better. Check out what they have to offer and see if they may help you as well.

Improving Writing Workflows to Create Your Masterpiece

Our three go-to apps for authors to write better, faster. They are the apps most critical to the writing process and getting the manuscripts ready to publish. They are the core of what writers do every day. Check out these apps to make your plotting, drafting, revision, and self-editing much more productive. Our investment in these apps paid for themselves immediately!

I've tripled my writing productivity since I started using Plottr several years ago!

Plottr is a powerful writing tool that's all about envisioning, planning, and perfecting your story. Designed specifically with authors in mind, Plottr allows you to build your storyline visually using customizable plot templates. See your ideas materialize as you map your characters' journeys, plotlines, and story arcs across from beginning to end. I've used Plottr to maintain my detailed character profiles, setting descriptions, and series arcs, all in one accessible location. Worried about compatibility with your writing software? Don't! Plottr smoothly exports your outlines to popular formats including Word and Scrivener, ensuring a seamless transition from plotting to writing. With Plottr's attractive interface and user-friendly features, crafting a well-structured novel becomes not just simpler but enjoyable. Streamline your writing process from idea to outline and watch your stories take flight. Embark on your writing journey with Plottr today and elevate your storytelling like never.

I couldn't finish my first book until I switched to Scrivener. I've now used it for a decade to write six books, two online training courses, and many research papers.

You can unleash your creative potential with Scrivener as well! Scrivener isn't just a word processor; it's a comprehensive writing studio designed to streamline your creative process. Break down complex narratives into manageable chunks, outline with ease, and rearrange scenes with a simple drag-and-drop. With Scrivener's robust research capabilities, you can store all your notes, images, and even web pages right within the project. Lose yourself in writing, not in navigation, thanks to its split-screen feature. Scrivener's corkboard view provides an at-a-glance overview of your work, helping you maintain a cohesive storyline. When it's time to publish, Scrivener's versatile formatting and exporting options have you covered, from ebooks to professional printed manuscripts. Write smarter, not harder with Scrivener. It's more than just a tool - it's the ultimate companion for authors aspiring to elevate their craft.

Buy now to get 20% off the normal price for annual or lifetime deals!

ProWritingAid is more than a grammar checker - it's a personal writing and editing coach for self-editing authors. ProWritingAid not only spots grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors, but it also identifies stylistic issues, redundancies, and weak word choices. Its powerful tools analyze your writing for readability and consistency, ensuring your work maintains a compelling and engaging flow. Tired of the frustrating and often expensive process of professional editing? ProWritingAid empowers you to self-edit with confidence, dramatically reducing or even eliminating the need for costly editing services. Its reports are comprehensive and instructional, providing you with actionable insights to improve your craft. With the integration of all your desktop and browser apps and the ability to customize your own style guide, it helps elevate your writing style, turning your words from ordinary to extraordinary. Discover ProWritingAid today and let your words tell their story, your way.

Managing Your Author Business

Unleash your literary potential by mastering the business side of writing, by standing out in the competitive marketplace, leveraging deep, data-driven insights into publishing trends, hot genres, and consumer behavior. Optimize your book's position using a comprehensive category database, tailored to maximize visibility and reader discovery. By understanding and responding to market dynamics, you transform your passion for writing into a successful business. Dive deep into data, strategize smartly, and watch your sales soar.

Unleash the power of insight with K-Lytics: your pathway to publishing success.

Secure your publishing advantage with K-Lytics, your secret weapon in the fiercely competitive literary market. K-Lytics equips you with invaluable insights, transforming data into strategic actions that propel your book to the top. Dive into the pulse of Amazon's book market, uncovering which categories are soaring and their level of competitiveness. With our monthly-updated, extensive database, you can strategically position your book to maximize discovery and sales. Beyond just numbers, K-Lytics offers detailed market analyzes and timely trend reports across all genres, ensuring you stay ahead of the curve. Access custom reports brimming with in-depth category analyzes, heat maps, pricing breakdowns, and trend insights. Prefer watching over reading? We have engaging online seminars and video discussions tailored for you. Unleash the full power of K-Lytics with our monthly or annual subscriptions, or choose individual reports tailored to your specific needs. Why gamble on hearsay when you can make informed decisions rooted in facts? Turn data into your competitive advantage with K-Lytics - because in the world of publishing, knowledge isn't just power; it's success.

Your masterpiece deserves to be discovered.

Take control of your book’s success with Publisher Rocket, an indispensable tool for authors in the digital age. It’s more than a keyword research tool – it’s your secret weapon to understand the Amazon marketplace. With Publisher Rocket, you gain deep insights into what potential readers are searching for. It lets you discover profitable niches, popular keywords, and untapped categories that could propel your book to the top of the charts. Want to understand your competition? Publisher Rocket provides detailed competitor analysis, including book performance and earnings, enabling strategic decisions to outshine your rivals. Publisher Rocket also simplifies AMS ad creation, helping you to target relevant readers effectively and efficiently. Selling books isn’t just about great writing; it’s about strategic positioning and visibility. With Publisher Rocket, you’re no longer shooting in the dark; you’re launching a calculated, data-driven campaign. Join the ranks of successful, savvy authors today with Publisher Rocket – because your masterpiece deserves to be discovered.

Unleash your potential, your way, with ALLi!

Transform your self-publishing journey with ALLi, your ultimate companion in the world of independent authorship. ALLi, the Alliance of Independent Authors, is more than an association - it's a vibrant community dedicated to empowering independent authors worldwide. ALLi offers a treasure trove of resources to navigate the publishing world successfully. Get expert guidance, participate in exclusive webinars and podcasts, and stay up-to-date with industry trends. Our interactive forums provide invaluable networking opportunities, fostering collaboration and connection among like-minded authors. As a member, you'll gain access to a carefully vetted directory of professional services, tailored to suit your specific needs as an indie author. ALLi passionately advocate for authors' rights, championing your interests in the publishing industry. No matter where you are in your writing journey, ALLi offers a membership level that fits. Whether you're an aspiring author or a seasoned pro, ALLi equips you with the tools and community you need to thrive. Join today and let ALLi be your compass in the exciting adventure of self-publishing.

Marketing Your Author Business

Empower your brand and engage your audience like never before by harnessing the combined power of an intuitive social media scheduler and an innovative video creation tool. Seamlessly plan, create, and schedule captivating posts across multiple social networks, using the most engaging and effective methods possible. Take the guesswork and worry out of content marketing by streamlining your processes. Elevate your social media presence, reach new customers, boost your engagement, and watch your sales skyrocket by using the apps below.

Automating and improving your social presence!

Streamline your social media management with Publer, the ultimate scheduling tool designed to empower your digital voice. Publer lets you plan, create, and schedule posts across various social networks from a single dashboard. But that's just the beginning. Publer takes social scheduling to the next level, offering a sleek interface, intuitive features, recurring posts, and AI Assist to generate powerful social tiles and hashtags that elevate your social presence and success. Customize your content with Publer's powerful editing tools, ensuring your brand voice shines through in every post. Schedule your posts in advance, Want to capitalize on your top-performing posts? With Publer, you can easily identify and auto-schedule your best recurring content, maximizing audience engagement. Publer supports Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, LinkedIn, and many other social platforms. And its deep analytics insights into your social performance, guiding your strategy to drive growth. Level up your social media game with Publer, and experience the power of smart social scheduling today.

Elevate your brand without cost, technical skills, or fear!

Propagate and make visible your author brand with the power of video, made simple and affordable with HumanPal. Say goodbye to costly production, technical difficulties, and camera shyness. Embrace the marketing medium of the future and engage your readers like never before. HumanPal lets you create professional, engaging videos effortlessly and economically. Transform social posts, book reviews, TikTok and Instagram Reels - in fact, your very presence - into captivating visual narratives. With a wealth of ultra-realistic voices across many popular languages, and an array of customizable avatars, you have the control to create content that resonates with audiences. Tailor your videos further with personalized effects, animations, watermarks, and backgrounds—the possibilities are limitless. Beyond video creation, HumanPal is your automated content creation hub—turn your written words into professional videos, and convert audio files to text for closed captions. Leverage the power of HumanPal today, and market your books like a pro. Get ready to see your engagement and sales soar!


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